Belgium (Flanders)

The e-book collection now contains more than 10,000 Dutch and English titles. 112 Ukrainian and 57 Russian titles are now added, including George Orwell, Carlos Ruiz Zafón and Stephen King. In doing so, the library sector shows its solidarity with the Ukrainian and Russian communities. At the same time, your library can reach and help people from Ukraine in these difficult circumstances.

Ukrainian and Russian titles in the collection

Currently, the collection includes a selection of Ukrainian translations of classics, such as George Orwell’s ‘1984’ or Herman Melville’s ‘Moby Dick’, supplemented by popular titles such as Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s ‘The Angel’s Play’ or Stephen King’s ‘Joyland’. . In addition, a limited collection of Russian titles and translations is available in the e-book range. Russian is the second language in Ukraine. Moreover, the library sector also shows solidarity with Russian residents, who have not asked for a war either. 

Those who like to read more about Ukraine and Russia in Dutch will find many interesting non-fiction titles about Ukraine and Russia on the bookshelf ‘Backgrounds to the war in Ukraine’. In this way, borrowers can properly inform themselves and be critical of reporting about the war in Ukraine, especially in times of fake news, filter bubbles and propaganda.

The Ukrainian collection was compiled in collaboration with Naple, a European working group on e-books and e-book policy in public libraries. Several European countries will purchase a selection of Ukrainian titles. The Ukrainian community of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre was involved in the collection. The collection of Ukrainian titles and translations on the e-book platform will be further expanded in the near future.
