Scottish Poetry Library, Scotland

Kathleen Jamie, Scotland’s Makar, invites the people of Scotland to submit lines of poetry for a letter of fellowship and affinity with the people of Ukraine. Kathleen explains more about the making of this collective work in the video below:

Some of you may recall our National Nature Poem, made last year.

Now at this frightening moment, we’d like to make a poem-letter, from Scotland to Ukraine.

Please send me a single line of poetry. One line, no more than twelve words, beginning with either ‘We share…’ or ‘Be brave…’. You can write in English, Scots or Gaelic.

Your line could be defiant or celebratory, quiet, fearful, heartfelt, supportive. Do try to capture some real things you value in the world; grandchildren, daffodils, football, beer – whatever; people the other side of the Continent will share that with you.

Having gathered together all the single lines, I will curate, arrange and assemble the poem. The finished work will take its own spirit. Once complete, it will be translated into the languages of Ukraine.

The finished poem will be available to all on the SPL website. And we anticipate public readings too. Please consider writing a single line of poetry, anonymously, for this collective, Scotland-wide poem-letter to Ukraine.

The deadline for submissions is midnight on Sunday, March 13th.

Kathleen Jamie

We will engage with representative Ukrainian organisations in Scotland on the development and circulation of this work.

We will engage with representative Ukrainian organisations in Scotland on the development and circulation of this work.

The Scottish Government has created a website to help Scots make donations to the humanitarian appeal in a secure and effective way:
