
For immediate release by  EBLIDANAPLE and Public Libraries 2030

24 February 2022

The barbaric attack of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is against the basic principles of a sustainable, democratic and equitable society.

In response to the appeal launched by the Ukrainian Library Association, EBLIDA, NAPLE and Public Libraries 2030 urge libraries all over Europe to mobilise in favour of accurate information to be spread on the conflict as a means to support democracy and freedom of expression. Libraries are also urged to support any Ukrainian refugees, in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organisations (for instance, Sanctuary cities, Sant’Egidio community, etc.). We should be ready to find practical solutions and be prepared to provide Ukrainians with assistance and services as needed.


Notes to editor:

EBLIDA is the community and networking hub for all library, information and documentation associations and institutions in Europe striving towards a sustainable, democratic and equitable society.

NAPLE is an international non-governmental association pursuing the interests of the national library authorities in Europe. Its main aim is to promote principles and strategies for public library policies.

PL2030 is a Brussels-based organisation working for over seven years to build connections between innovative library practice and build recognition of the contribution of the library sector in EU institutions.

For more information:

EBLIDA:  Giuseppe Vitiello, Director of EBLIDA:

NAPLE: Stuart Hamilton, President of the board of NAPLE:

PL2030: Ilona Kish, Director of Public Libraries 2030: