CILIP Statement of solidarity with librarians, archivists and information professionals in Ukraine

CILIP Statement of solidarity with librarians, archivists and information professionals in Ukraine

United Kingdom

Statement of solidarity with librarians, archivists and information professionals in Ukraine

We the undersigned, representing the UK community of librarians, archivists and information professionals, wish to extend our solidarity and support for our professional colleagues in Ukraine during the current military action by Russia.

We are gravely concerned at the threat posed by this action to the safety of the Ukrainian people, their heritage and identity, as well as to the security of our professional colleagues.

Ukraine is a nation with a rich literary heritage and tradition. Its libraries and archives are home to great collections of works of literature, history and research, documenting the development of Ukrainian culture, identity and language. It is of vital importance to ensure that this body of knowledge, research and creativity is protected for future generations.

The integrity of the public record as well as the safety and intellectual freedom of the civilian population are pre-requisites of any Nation State that aspires to legitimacy or credibility within the international community.

Librarians, archivists and information professionals play a vital role in promoting reading, literacy and access to information for the citizens and communities they serve. It is essential that they are permitted to continue this work in safety and free from coercion or threat.

We encourage political leaders in the UK Government and international community to work together in order to restore peace and security for Ukraine as a member of the international community in good standing and subject to the international agreements and accords already set in place to guarantee this security, including compliance with the international obligations under the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property, and its protocols.

The library, archive and information professional community in the UK will work with our colleagues around the world to offer whatever support and solidarity we can to our professional colleagues in Ukraine.

Czech Librarians Are With You, Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic

Czech Librarians Are With You, Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic

Czech Republic

SKIP vyjádřil svou podporu ukrajinským knihovníkům

Vedení SKIP dnes zaslalo ukrajinským knihovníkům dopis, v němž vyjádřilo svou podporu.

Úplné znění dopisu:

Czech librarians are with you

Dear colleagues, fellow librarians from Ukraine,

We have been following the scary situation in Ukraine for quite some time now, hoping that a peaceful solution would eventually be found. Unfortunately, yesterday morning’s events put an abrupt end to any such hopes. Hardly anyone would imagine Russia really launching a full-scale invasion on an independent state of Ukraine, your home country.

It has bitterly reminded us about what happened in the early days of World War II (and, maybe more importantly, what had preceded the war) and led to the most devastating conflict in the history of mankind.

On behalf of the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic, representing over 1,800 libraries and librarians from our country, we wish to let you know that you are not alone. We stand by you in your fight for freedom and regaining your nation’s true independence.

Both the Czech president and government have strongly condemned the attack of Russian forces; our government has also provided and will provide a significant amount of money to procure humanitarian aid for Ukrainian people. Our Ministry of Interior has set up a dedicated web page and a helpline for Ukrainian citizens who may not feel safe in Ukraine anymore and may wish to come to our country ( Also, a number of charities (including the Czech Red Cross), universities and individuals have become involved in actively providing help.   We are with you at this moment and will continue to support your nation’s independence and your right to live in peace instead of being subject to a military attack by your neighbouring country.

On behalf of the Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic

Roman Giebisch

Libuse Nivnicka

Vit Richter

Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic
Marianske namesti 190/5(
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic  

Z Ukrajiny obratem dorazila odpověď:

Dear colleagues,

Thank you so much for your letter.

We are strong together and the support of you, the library community, government and the people of the Czech Republic are very valuable.

We highly appreciate it. It is greatly needed.

Oksana Brui, ULA President
Yaroslava Soshynska, ULA Executive Director

V neděli 27. 2. následovalo její doplnění:

Dear friends,
Thank you for your support! ❤️
It’s very important for us!
We share your letter on our FB page

Thanks a lot!

Oksana Brui
President of Ukrainian Library Association
Library director of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Call of Bulgarian Library and Information Association (BLIA) / Призив на Българска библиотечно-информационна асоциация (ББИА)

Call of Bulgarian Library and Information Association (BLIA) / Призив на Българска библиотечно-информационна асоциация (ББИА)


Призив на ББИА Печат
Ние се обявяваме против тази ужасна война и искаме незабавното ѝ спиране!
Ние призоваваме нашите членове и цялата библиотечна колегия да окажат помощ, според възможности си и в сътрудничество с държавните и неправителствени организации, на всички нуждаещи се и пострадали във войната в Украйна!
Ние подкрепяме становищата и насоките, отразени в прессъобщението на трите водещи библиотечни организации в Европа – EBLIDA, NAPLE и Public Libraries 2030 (ББИА е пълноправен член на EBLIDA, а с другите две организации активно си сътрудничи в работата на европейските обществени библиотеки и работи по много европейски проекти). Прессъобщението е в отговор на призива, отправен от Украинската библиотечна асоциация и можете да се запознаете с него на английски език.
Уважаеми колеги,
Можете да се информирате за приложения списък с решенията, взети на заседанието на борда на EBLIDA в понеделник, 28 февруари 2022 г., а също така и за създадената уеб страница на сайта на EBLIDA, посветена на Украйна.

Baltic national libraries want Russia suspended from international library associations  / Baltimaade rahvusraamatukogud kutsuvad peatama Venemaa liikmelisust erialaühendustes

Baltic national libraries want Russia suspended from international library associations / Baltimaade rahvusraamatukogud kutsuvad peatama Venemaa liikmelisust erialaühendustes

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

TALLINN – The national library communities of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have made a public appeal to the world’s library community to unequivocally condemn the Russian aggression in Ukraine and to suspend the Russian Federation’s membership in all international library associations and organizations.

“Libraries around the world stand for the dissemination of free and truthful information and, as memory institutions, for cultural values,” said Janne Andresoo, director general of the National Library of Estonia.

“The attack on Ukraine and the desire to cancel out Ukrainian culture must be unequivocally condemned. That is why we have joined with our Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues in proposing the suspension of the Russian Federation’s membership of all professional organizations in our field,” Andresoo said.

“We all share common goals and values, and we commit to continue creating an inclusive information and cultural space that is free from misinformation, lies, hatred and war, and open to all,” says the letter, which calls for both moral support and donations to be provided to the Ukrainian people.

“We all must and can contribute to strengthen democracy. All responsible people must understand that if we do not stop Russia’s impertinent aggression in Ukraine, everyone would find themselves in the face of calamity,” the letter concludes.

The letter was sent to the following organizations and associations: CENL (Conference of European National Libraries), EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations), IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), CDNL (Conference of Directors of National Libraries), LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries), NAPLE (National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe), Public Libraries 2030, SPARC Europe, and ALA (American Library Association).

The Appeal of the Ukrainian Library Association to IFLA President and Governing Board and IFLA Members

The Appeal of the Ukrainian Library Association to IFLA President and Governing Board and IFLA Members


Звернення Української бібліотечної асоціації до Президента, Правління та Членів IFLA від 28 лютого 2022 р.

Друзі та колеги,

Триває 5 день повномасштабного вторгнення російських військ в Україну, повітряне бомбардування багатьох міст та сіл всієї України, російські танки на підступах до Києва, Харкова, російські диверсійні групи діють на нашій землі. Загарбники стріляють не лише по військовій інфраструктурі, а й по школах, музеях, бібліотеках, лікарнях, житлових будинках. У Чернігові зруйновано міську бібліотеку для дітей. Гинуть наші мужні захисники, цивільні, у тому числі діти. Станом на 27 лютого загинули 352 українці, з них 14 дітей, поранено ‒ 1684, з них 116 дітей. Тисячі людей вимушено залишили свою країну.

У цей складний час українські бібліотекарі разом з усім народом. Там, де це можливо, бібліотеки продовжують надавати свої послуги користувачам, у тому числі дистанційно. Бібліотеки працюють у кіберпросторі проти дезінформації. У бібліотеках проходять навчання з домедичної допомоги. У бібліотеках облаштовують хостели, пункти допомоги для переміщених осіб, які вимушені полишити свої домівки.

Україну підтримує весь цивілізований світ. Ми отримали багато листів підтримки від бібліотечних асоціацій (у тому числі членів IFLA) та бібліотекарів з різних країн. Нам допомагають інформаційно, поширюючи правдиву інформацію про загарбницьку війну Росії проти України. Нам пропонують допомогу у розміщенні українських біженців.

Ми вдячні кожному, хто з нами у цей складний для нашої держави і нашого народу час!

Професія бібліотекаря зобов’язує кожного, хто її обрав, бути медіаграмотним. Бібліотекарі, як ніхто інший, повинні протистояти дезінформації. Однак, ми з прикрістю констатуємо, що російські бібліотекарі та Російська бібліотечна асоціація жодним чином не реагують на ситуацію.

Щоб зупинити цю криваву війну, проти Росії застосовуються економічні та інші санкції. Ми вважаємо, що санкції в культурній сфері є не менш важливими і пришвидшать крах путінського режиму в Російській Федерації. Тому звертаємось до Президента і Правління IFLA підтримати українських бібліотекарів і виключити Російську бібліотечну асоціацію та усі установи країни-агресора Росії з Членів IFLA, а їхніх представників ‒ із усіх керівних органів IFLA.

Ми звертаємось до Членів IFLA підтримати наше звернення та спрямувати свої звернення до Президента і Правління IFLA.

Сьогодні Україна воює не лише за свою незалежність та майбутнє своїх дітей. Ми воюємо за майбутнє всього світу! Українці помирають за європейські цінності! Підтримуючи Україну, ви підтримуєте демократичне майбутнє всіх країн!

Слава Україні!

Оксана Бруй, Президентка

Лариса Лугова, Віцепрезидентка

Світлана Моісєєва, Віцепрезидента

Ярослава Сошинська, Виконавча директорка

ВГО Українська бібліотечна асоціація

Офіційний документ можна переглянути тут.

28 February, 2022

 The Appeal of the Ukrainian Library Association

to IFLA President and Governing Board and IFLA Members

Dear friends and colleagues,

The fifth day of the full-scale Russia’s invasion to Ukraine is ongoing, air bombing of a large number of cities and villages of whole Ukraine, Russian tanks are on approaches to Kyiv, Kharkiv, Russian subversive groups are on our land. The occupiers are firing not only on the military infrastructure, but also on schools, museums, libraries, hospitals, civilian residences. In Chernihiv the municipal library for children has been destroyed. Our brave defenders, civil people including children are dying.

As at February 27, 352 Ukrainians are dead, among them 14 children, 1684 – wounded, among them 116 children. Thousands of people were forced to leave the country.

In these challenging times Ukrainian librarians are together with all the people. There where it is possible, libraries continue to provide their services to users, including online services. Libraries are working in cyberspace against disinformation. Libraries are holding classes in emergency medical assistance. Hostels, care units for displaced persons are accommodated in libraries.

Ukraine is supported by the whole civilized world. We have received a lot of letters of support from library associations (including IFLA members) and librarians from different countries. We are receiving media help in spreading true information about Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. We are being offered help in accommodating Ukrainian refugees.

We are grateful to everyone who is with us in these difficult times for our country and our people.

The profession of a librarian obliges everyone who has chosen it to be media literate. Librarians as no one else must stand against disinformation. However, we regret that Russian librarians and Russian Library Association do not react to the situation.

To stop this bloody war economic and other sanctions are being imposed on Russia. We are convinced that sanctions in the cultural sphere are no less important and will accelerate the fall of putin regime in the Russian Federation. We therefore appeal to IFLA President and Governing Board to support Ukrainian librarians and exclude the Russian Library Association and all institutions of the aggressor country Russia from IFLA members, and their representatives from all IFLA governing bodies.

We appeal to IFLA members to support our appeal and address their appeals to IFLA President and Governing Board.

Today Ukraine is fighting not only for its own independence and the future of its children. We are fighting for the future of the whole world! Ukrainians are dying for European values! Supporting Ukraine, you are supporting the democratic future of all the countries!

Glory to Ukraine!

Oksana Brui, ULA President

Larysa Lyhova, ULA Vice-President

Svitlana Moiseeva, ULA Vice-President

Yaroslava Soshynska, ULA Executive Director

Asociația Națională a Bibliotecarilor și Bibliotecilor Publice din România (ANBPR) / The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania

Asociația Națională a Bibliotecarilor și Bibliotecilor Publice din România (ANBPR) / The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania


Dragi colegi bibliotecari ucraineni!

Urmărim cu mare îngrijorare evenimentele tragice prin care trece poporul ucrainean în aceste zile. Această grea încercare a sensibilizat întreaga societate românească, prin urmare și comunitatea biblioteconomică dorește să își manifeste solidaritatea cu colegii din Ucraina și speranța că lucrurile vor intra cât mai curând în normalitate.

Considerăm că, mai mult ca oricând, specialiștii în știința informării pot deveni mai activi decât de obicei asigurându-se că cetățenii cunosc cum să se ferească de dezinformare, știri false și alte atacuri informaționale. Vom încuraja, în acest sens, o campanie în bibliotecile publice din România, ca o modalitate practică de a promova adevărul și valorile democratice ale națiunilor. Vă transmitem dragostea și sprijinul nostru vouă și familiilor voastre, ne puteți contacta dacă vă putem ajuta, ANBPR are membri aproape în toată țara.

Ne manifestăm dezaprobarea pentru orice formă de violență, pentru că bibliotecile sunt dintotdeauna spații ale păcii, creativității și culturii și milităm pentru singura bătălie care merită, cea a accesului la informare.

Colaborarea între cele două asociații trebuie să continue și să devină mai puternică, mai ales în aceste momente grele.

Cu stimă,

Dragoș-Adrian Neagu

Asociația Națională a Bibliotecarilor și Bibliotecilor Publice din RomâniaAceastă intrare a fost publicată în ANBPRdemocratie și etichetată ANBPRbiblioteciRomaniasolidaritateUcraina . Pune legătura în semnele de carte.
